Preschool & Kindergarten

In our preschool and kindergarten groups, we prepare children for primary school. The emphasis is on beginning literacy, vocabulary and learning school skills.

In our preschool and kindergarten groups we work with the “Uk & Puk” method. This method teaches the students school skills with the help of a doll, Puk. A lot of attention is paid to beginning literacy and vocabulary.

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Locations and times

4:00-6:15 PM

Fraser Valley
4:00-6:00 PM

North Shore
4:00-6:00 PM

Esdoorn North Shore location

Yes. In class a lot of attention is paid to school skills. Listening to the teacher, sitting while listening to a story, how do you use scissors?

School fees
If a student joins later in the school year, the cost is pro-rated based on when the student joins the class.

In the preschool group, only Dutch is spoken by the teacher. It is therefore important that the students can understand Dutch. We encourage the students to answer in Dutch, but it is not a problem if a student still has difficulty with this.

While you are dropping off and picking up your child you are very welcome to come and see the class. But when class starts, parents are expected to leave the class.
If there are special circumstances that make it important for you to be in the classroom as parents, we can always talk about this.
